Saturday 28 September 2013

Daintree forest tour

Visited Mossman gorge and discovered Tarzan must be a fake as those cords he swings on are like barbed wire! Then went onto the boat tour at Daintree river to see the crocodiles - but not before stopping for tea and seeing a tree frog, tent spider (big) and the golden orb spider (bigger and with 4 different types of silk - sticky, wet and dry, dry and steel!). Then Alexander's view point, Noah's creek and onto cape tribulation, where we saw hibiscus trees and mangrove trees on the beach and a goanna. We followed this with a barbeque lunch and a swim in a freshwater pool. Cath was asked if she was Irish? because she didn't flinch at the temperature of the water (mild for us northerners). On for a rainforest walk where, amongst other things, we saw deadly plants, a lace dragon, Victoria rifle birds and a cassowary with her chicks. Finally to an ice cream farm and back to Port Douglas via the ferry. Oh and hawthorn beat fremantle to win the Aussie rules cup. All in all a good day.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Rendezvous reef resort, Port Douglas 26th September

Short flight into Cairns then transported by chatty driver up to Port Douglas in tropical north Queensland. Looking forward to relaxing by the pool, visiting the rainforest, four mile beach and the barrier reef over next few days. Chatty driver says four mile is name of place not length of beach and you occasionally share the beach with the odd croc! Apparently one woman came for holiday and stayed in the whole time in case she was eaten by crocodiles after a driver told her to keep windows and doors closed to stop them coming in. Can you believe these Aussies?

Sydney at night

From the harbour.

Vibrant Sydney

Started with a 7am swim on the roof top of the hotel whilst enjoying the view of the harbour bridge and opera house. The rocks area is full of history about the British invasion and the local aboriginal clans who had lived there sustainably for hundreds of years to be virtually wiped out by smallpox and fishing stocks on which they depended for food. Visited the maritime museum via a boat ride from circular quay into Darling harbour, highlight was a tour of the inside of a submarine with very entertaining guides.

Ended up spending most of the second day walking through the beautiful botanic gardens with fantastic sights and fragrances. Long chat with Aussie couple who think the British weather is always fine and the road network is great!! Then city walk to take in some of the history of buildings and areas adjacent to the harbour.

Back to the airport tomorrow for our flight to Cairns but have really enjoyed Sydney and feel like the holiday has properly started.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sydney 24th September

Gday from down under where me and the 2 Sheila's arrived today. 2 hours to get through security and immigration. Staying in the Holiday Inn Old Sydney.

Unintended consequences

On the Sunday morning in Hong Kong the 3 of us decided to save our legs and have a continental breakfast at the hotel. We were a bit startled when presented with a bill for HK$650! Ed (who Cath quickly realised has developed miser tendencies) developed a sharp pain adjacent to his pocket. Our intrepid travellers managed to negotiate a reduction to HK$480. However the unintended consequence was that we may have been unfairly labelled as cheapskates by hotel staff, as when we went to claim our complimentary 'welcome' drinks the atmosphere was distinctly cool. Our stay at the Park Lane hotel was very pleasant but the staff are not!

Sunday 22 September 2013

A storm in a tea cup?

The typhoon was upgraded to a category 8 and closed the airport, attractions, shops and restaurants. To us it seemed an overreaction as it consisted of a light but persistent warm drizzle and a stiff breeze. I'm convinced that it was a typo caused by an enthusiastic tea drinker posting photos of his 'super brew' on the net and inadvertantly typing an n on the end of the name of his favourite cuppa! The chinese do love their tea...There was a localised depression over causeway bay when we were forced to eat at MacDonald's because everywhere else was shut. However the weather didn't delay us in the end and I am typing this on the plane to Sydney which is due to land at about 6.15 am on Tuesday morning. Overall I enjoyed HONG KONG. Great public transport systems at very reasonable fares and people who seem to respect and look after what they have.

Awaiting the storm!!

Sunday 22nd September

Slightly frustrating day which started brightly with a visit to the peak, via the tram, for some fine views over Hong Kong. We then tried to visit the Big Buddha on Lantau island but the cable car was closed in anticipation of the typhoon. Same story with the star ferry at Kowloon and the light show is cancelled. On a positive note, Cath gets concessionary fares everywhere and is treated with great respect by the vast numbers of young people in Hong Kong. One young man gave her his seat on the MTR. However she is disappointed that no one has asked her to prove her age yet!
Currently waiting to find out if we are stranded temporarily in Hong Kong but virgin airways in HK don't work Sundays!!! In meantime I have posted info on the impending storm.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Typhoon on the way?

Arrived safe and well in Hong Kong to be greeted with predictions of a typhoon on sunday afternoon / evening. Amazing moving lighting displays on many of the cities skyscrapers and lantern festival display in Victoria park which is opposite the hotel.
Guided to Vietnamese restaurant for dinner by a lady with a large sign.
Woke up to great view of harbour and park. People practicing their tai chi.

Friday 20 September 2013

Chickenpox scare!

First delay of our trip as a child with chickenpox is spotted onboard our Manchester to London flight. They (and their family) are not permitted to fly and there is a delay whilst their luggage are taken off the aeroplane. However after a nice glass of wine and a smooth flight, we have safely negotiated the first leg of the journey down to heathrow.