Friday 1 November 2013

Fiji 31st October

Start of the diy part of trip with our 6 day adventure in Fiji. The car hire and villa were both booked direct via the internet before we left UK rather than through trailfinders and it shows.
The car hire was a disaster as the car brought to the airport for us had several bits missing and didn't look particularly roadworthy. We therefore decided to decline it and ended up getting a taxi from nadi down to pacific harbour. This was a 2.5 hour journey through the biggest longest thunderstorm ever, in a taxi that also had several bits missing, jumped out of gear a few times and did a very impressive aqua plane when a cow decided to cross the road in front of us.
Key features of the villa are:
The pool is a bright green colour, the same as the devils pool on my earlier blog. This is because the pump only appears to have been fixed on the day of our arrival.
We don't appear to have any internet so have had to wait to post this blog.
We have the largest cockroaches known to man in the laundry room. Thinking of saddling one and riding it into town!
However once we got over the first harrowing day, things have improved. People are very friendly, weather is warm and sunny at moment and the food is good.
Trying to meet up with the Marist people Cath contacted but communicating via phone etc isn't easy.
Still no internet so sat in cafe sending this. Blog will possibly be less frequent over next few days. Unless I spend a lot of time at this bar!

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