Thursday 10 October 2013

Kaikoura day 3

The weather is cool and sunny and the sea is only a bit rough so our whale watch is finally on. About 6 km out we are able to see our first sperm whale on the surface before he goes back under with his tail in the air. Quite a few sick people on the boat as the swells were between 1 and1.5m. Its about a 40 minute wait till Tiaiki resurfaces for a second viewing with us just a few feet away, you can see all the scars and marks he has on his body. Great trip, Mary and I really enjoyed it whilst Cath took as walk on the coastal path.
Also visited a view point over the town to see spectacular views of the snow capped mountains. Then drove to Picton in the afterrnoon but not before stopping off on route to see some more seals with their cubs. Captured the whale and seals on video cd so can't share here but will post some pictures of the views. Sailing across to the north island on Friday (11th) and starting our 3 week north island tour in Wellington.

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